Tuesday, September 4, 2012

FAST Down Due to SharePoint Security Token Service Certificate Errors

Good Morning SharePoint!  Walking in the door with a fire to put out is better than coffee.

When browsing to a search page we were getting the following error.


Source: SharePoint Foundation

Event ID: 8311

An operation failed because the following certificate has validation errors:\n\nSubject Name: CN=SharePoint Security Token Service, OU=SharePoint, O=Microsoft, C=US\nIssuer Name: CN=SharePoint Root Authority, OU=SharePoint, O=Microsoft, C=US\nThumbprint: 9057913C61BA802F52787B75CFBE3BFAD0104E43\n\nErrors:\n\n The root of the certificate chain is not a trusted root authority..

A quick search lead me to the following KB article.

How to re-create the local Trusted Root Authority

This article states that an administrator deleted the local trust in CA. But I check and it is there.  I didn’t delete it and no one else has access.


I ran the following command from the article, which added a new local trust relationship.

$rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "localNew" -Certificate $rootCert


I still do not know what caused this to happen.  Will have to look into it later.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Unexpected error occurred while communicating with Administration Service – When Adding Managed Property


When this error first popped up I thought I was going to have one of those long days troubleshooting SharePoint's guts. 

Looking at the log I found out the managed property I was trying to create already existed. 

Update ManageProperty failed Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Extended.Administration.Common.AdminException: The  managed property  'Location' already exists.

Cmon Microsoft.  This message is a bit misleading.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Installing Visual Studio 2012 RC on Windows 8 RP Running on ThinkPad T510 (4349)

When trying to install Visual Studio the splash screen for the installer would come up with a black screen and never go away.  I gave up trying to get this to work.  Came back to it this weekend and saw Lenovo released another video driver for Windows 8 on August 9.  Installed the new driver, rebooted and Visual Studio installed with no issues.  FINALLY!


Monday, June 4, 2012


I’ve tried to blog for years.  As you can see it is not going well.  I have 100s of drafts and I think 1 published page.  With 4 kids, a wife, a challenging job and a house that is falling apart I just don’t have the time.  I still plan to write some articles but they will be short and sweet.  More like writing notes for myself instead of trying to create the perfect article.